A Menu for Success




The success of an event should not be measured by the size of the venue or guest list but rather the quality of engagement.  The passion, focus and vigor that goes into every level of planning to make each guest feel special is the ultimate goal.

This was top of mind in our event strategy for a client looking for a unique alternative to build and nurture business relationships without having to go BIG in the post-COVID space.

Our approach was to create a high-end dinner series held across several major US markets at top dining establishments. The intimate events allowed our C-suite clients to connect one-on-one with potential business prospects, and build relationships in a beautiful, controlled private space. Luxury was in every detail of the experience, from the collaboration and planning with all of our event and client partners to the personal touches of the invitations, menu and table décor.

Here’s a few tips for creating a memorable dining experience for your client events, large or small:

Location. Location. Location.

Does the restaurant have a Michelin star (or two)? Have you read reviews or better yet experienced the food, wine, service and ambience yourself? Is it conveniently located?   Is there flexibility in the menu offerings, table or private room set-up?

Research is definitely king for selecting the ideal venue -  on both your guests (any allergies, dietary restrictions, or accessibility issues?) and the restaurant itself. If you’re unable to go for an on-site visit, connecting with the restaurant’s event manager to determine their enthusiasm and willingness to create the experience you’re looking for, will be a tell-tale sign you’ve chosen the right place.                                         

First Impressions

As the saying goes, you only have one chance to make a first impression…so make it a great one as soon as they step through the door.   Having your host at the entrance to personally greet each guest by name is a warm welcome that will stand-out and make them feel appreciated from the get-go.  Offering a custom cocktail to enjoy as they are escorted to their table will further accentuate they’re in for an evening of impeccable hospitality.

Personalize it

The smallest of gestures can make the most memorable impact, and adding that extra personalized touch is a sure-fire way to make guests know your event is truly all about them.  We recommend shying away from generics and addressing guest names on event invitations, menus, table cards, and tags on take-away goodie bags.

A Genuine Thank you

Express your gratitude by sending a thoughtful thank-you note to each guest within 48 hours of your event. Be sure to include a key insight or outcome from your dinner discussion to show your team is genuine about building the relationship and solving their business needs.

Looking for the perfect NYC restaurant to host your next dinner event?

Check-out our Top 3 Recommendations:

  1. Le Coucou – www.lecoucou.com

  2. The Clubroom @ The Polo Bar www.ralphlauren.com

  3. Atera  – www.ateranyc.com

Juliet Kwan